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Acne and pimples – unpleasant companions

Today, the skin is commonly considered to be fashionable clothing to our body. However we are often not awere that the skin is also an important vital organ, no different from stomach, liver, intenstines or kidney. The skin protect our internal organs, helps excrete waste products and regulates body temperature and metabolism. We could say that the skin cleans the body, contains numerous substances, the most important are sodium chloride (commonly knows as salt), shulphuric acid, iron, phosphor, lactic acid and the same amount of urea as the the kidneys excrete. As a result of acid waste elimination, various skin conditions appear, such as eczemas, acnes, rash, psoriasis…Therefore it is important that such skin conditions are not treath only toppically. 

Drinking alkaline water neutralisez the harmful effects of acidic waste products and prevents the development of skin diseases and other health problems. 

Alkaline water with its powerful antioxidant action fascilates a good supply for all skin cells. This promotes a fresh look and reduces the onset of wrinkles. Smooth toned skin on your face is a sign of youthfulness and health and especially women are keen to maintain such skin as long as possible.

Bruno shares his experience with pimples and acne

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My skin problems (with acne, pimples and even a tumour) started when I was 15 years old. The incidence of acne escalated every year. I seemed to be the only one in my class who had the biggest problem with pimples. I had the biggest sprinkling of pimples on my face and neck, with occasional ones on my shoulders. I also had a full set of pimples under my skin, which were very painful. The dermatologist prescribed Klimicin and Octenisan lotion. The medicine and lotion improved the situation on my skin. However, I still kept getting new pimples over and over again. I cut out milk, dairy products and all sweets and fizzy drinks from my diet. My skin was getting better, but the desired effect had not yet taken place. The dermatologist told me at my last visit that she would prescribe me Roaccutane, a very strong medication, in the autumn. She told me in advance that these pills have quite a few unwanted side effects: an additional temporary outbreak of pimples, chapping of the lips, thinning of the skin, itching and redness. When my mother found out about these unwanted effects, she became very active and sought the opinion of many professional people. She contacted Mr Bojan, who suggested that I try Alkalife® drops.

Every morning I fasted and drank 2dcl of water with 2 drops of AlkaliLife solution. I drank 4-6 glasses of this daily. Every day I prepared a 0.5l bottle of 4 drops to take to school and drank this water during class and break.

Results after 3 months of drinking Alkalife®

Results were noticeable after 3 months. The skin was getting softer, acne was getting less. Drinking alkaline water removes toxins from my body. By drinking AlkaLife regularly, I neutralise the harmful effects of acid waste. By doing this, I successfully avoid new acne and pimples.

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