Our blood is our transport system It provides all body cells with nutrients and carries waste products away from the tissues. It also helps maintain body temperature. To do these things, it has to continuously circulate all around the body. The centre of this circulation is the heart. Increased concentration of acidic waste products in the blood can result in plaque build-up on the artery walls which causes the hardening of th vessels (atherosclerosis). Because the arteries narrow blood pressure increases and so does the risk of stoke.
Dr. Kuninaka is one of the pioneers of treatment with alkaline water in Japan. He reports on the close relationship between acidic blood and the development of cardiovascular dioseases. All his petients initially had a low pH – acidic. With the regular drinking of alkaline water however the hypertension and high cholesterol levels soon normalized.
Bogdan shares his experience
A hurried, modem multi-task lifestyle and an irregular diet brought several health problems to me also: con stant fatigue, palpations, short breath, hypertension, raised levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, increased body weight…
Very soon after a few weeks of drinking alkaline water, my blood pressure was within normal limits. I am no longer fatigued and there is no trace of high cholesterol or triglycerides. I lost nearly 15 kilo grams, thout following any diet. I eat practically everything, several time a day. Improvement in my health condition was also the incentive to write brochure about Being Healthy.
Synthetic drugs for lowering blood pressure are – as all all synthetic drugs – very acidic. Concurrently with lowering blood pressure they also create increased acidosis of the organism which again results in high blood pressure. This is also the main reason why such drugs never cure the disease and life-long treatment is necessary. The side-effects of all such drugs are a result of their high acidity. With the regular drinking of alkaline water the patient can gradually and under medical supervision stop taking drugs within few months, depending on the cause of hypertension.